Welcome to The Creative Playground

Step into a world where creativity knows no bounds.

I grew up here in this beautiful place, moved away for 12 years and came back 15 years ago. The creative energy that we have here in this county is amazing and because of this I have held onto the dream of opening a community art space for the last 5 years.

As a mom or an almost 18 year old, an artist and an educator I have seen where the service needs and gaps are here in Lincoln county and a space for a variety of people to teach and explore the visual arts has not be here in at least 15 years. We have amazing theaters and libraries, pottery studios and galleries but not a space for 2D visual arts and beyond.

Community and Collaboration are beautiful partners and bringing people together in person is a passion of mine. So The Creative Playground was born from my love of this community and my passion for art.

I am so excited for this space to be filled with people of all ages and abilities where ideas and techniques are shared along with stories and collaborative projects.

Let’s Play!!

In Gratitude,

Andrea Parker